Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Four Reasons To Stay With Your Vehicle If You Get Stuck In A Winter Storm

If you’re traveling a long distance this winter, snow and ice storms can come out of nowhere and leave you stranded in your car.  At this point you may need the authorities to come help you get out of a situation.   This can be especially tricky when you are on back roads and visibility is poor.  

Before you leave for a long trip, the most important thing to do is to check the weather for any upcoming storms.  While a forecast is not a perfect indicator of how your travels will go, it will at least give you some guidance on when the best time to travel will be.  

In the event that you do find yourself stranded on the side of the road with no way to travel and no ability to make it through a storm until it passes, you should never leave your vehicle.  While it may be tempting to travel on foot to make it to a warm shelter, leaving your vehicle leaves you and your vehicle vulnerable.  Here are four reasons to remain in your vehicle if you become stranded by a winter storm.

  • Your vehicle provides shelter.  While it may not be cozy and warm, especially without running the heat, your vehicle will still protect you from the elements.  Getting out and walking will leave you vulnerable to frostbite or worse.  
  • Your vehicle is the best way for authorities to find you.  If you leave your vehicle and authorities find it without you in it, that does you no good.
  • Walking on a road in a bad winter storm can lead to a potentially fatal Connecticut auto accident.  Staying in your car is much safer than walking on the side of the road in inclement weather.  
  • Your party will stay together.  If you’re traveling with others, leaving them behind makes it so that rescuers will have to find you and the others you are traveling with.  If you’re in two separate places this complicates the rescue.

If you pay attention to the weather and take caution when driving long distances in the winter months you may never encounter this situation, but if you do it’s important to know how to stay safe.  When you’ve been hurt or injured in a Connecticut auto accident you can call our office and speak to our experienced and knowledgeable attorneys who can work with you on your case.