Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Google Is Working To Help Reduce Connecticut Pedestrian Accidents, Here’s How

Over the last few years if you’ve owned Google’s flagship phone, the Pixel, you may have been using a feature called Heads Up.  This feature is designed to remind users of the phone to look up while they are walking.  A feature like this is similar to a lane assist when you’re driving as it is not meant as a replacement for paying attention while you’re walking down the street, but rather it is an added reminder.

Heads Up has been a success for the technology company so they are rolling it out to all new Android based phones in the coming months in the hopes that it will continue to help pedestrians avoid accidents.

If you currently have a Pixel phone you can turn this setting on by going to your Digital Well-Being app and finding the Heads Up feature there.  Once turned on your phone will alert you if it believes you are walking and looking at your phone at the same time.  If you are participating in this risky behavior you will be alerted by your phone.  While the app will not shut the phone off, it will be an added layer of protection for you so you do not get into a Connecticut pedestrian accident.

All of the newest Pixel phones will come with this feature standard, but third-party Android users will have to wait for the update as it rolls out across multiple handsets in the coming weeks and months.  In the meantime, you can avoid distracted walking by taking these following steps;

  • Keep your phone in your pocket at all times while you’re walking

  • Silence your phone while you’re walking until you get to your destination

  • If you are using navigation features on your phone, set your destination before setting out on your walk and use earbuds to listen to the navigation

  • Avoid all text messaging while walking as this can be the most distracting activity you can participate in while out and about.

When we talk about distracted walking many people look at us with a weird look, but it is actually a thing and more and more people are getting into these types of accidents each and every day.  Technology can make a difference, but nothing is more valuable than simply paying attention and leaving your phone out of the equation.

If you are out walking and you happen to get injured one of our experienced attorneys may be able to help.  Reach out to our office and we’ll make sure to take a look at your case and work to protect your long-term interests.