Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

How To Avoid A Connecticut Auto Accident When Driving Drowsy

We’ve all been there before; didn’t get a good night sleep last night, out to late tonight, it happens to the best of us.  We have to get behind the wheel to get home, but are struggling to stay awake.  The best thing to do in this situation is to call an Uber and go back to get your car when you are feeling more alert.

Drowsy driving has been shown to be just as bad as driving under the influence in affecting a driver’s ability to perform well behind the wheel.  This type of driving can be dangerous and may lead to a Connecticut auto accident.  The good news is, there are a few things you can do to avoid driving drowsy and keep you and your fellow travelers safe;

  1. Get into a good sleep routine.  If you find yourself waking up each morning unable to focus on your driving, you are likely not getting enough sleep and should work on your sleep routine to improve your alertness in the morning.

  2. Avoid drinking alcohol (any alcohol at all) even one drink can make you feel sleepy and less alert leading to drowsy driving behaviors. Not to mention, you do not want to drive if your blood alcohol level is over the legal limit.

  3. Review any medications you may be taking to ensure that they do not cause drowsiness and if they DO cause drowsiness avoid taking them before getting behind the wheel.

  4. Do not drive during times when sleepiness is common such as between midnight-6am and in the late afternoon.  These times are the most common for people to doze off and cause a Connecticut auto accident.

While it may not be possible to avoid driving all the time when you’re tired, taking these steps above will help make sure that you are doing your part to keep roads safe.  

If you or a loved one were injured in a car crash and suspect drowsy driving contact our office immediately and one of our experienced attorneys will review your case.