Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

How Health Care Providers Can Commit Workers’ Compensation Fraud

Throughout the entire process of a workers’ compensation claim there are areas where fraudulent activities can occur. An employee can choose to file a claim fraudulently, an employer can actively work against the system in a fraudulent way and then there are the health care providers.

You may not often think about health care providers when you think about workers’ compensation, but they are a big piece of this puzzle. Not only do they administer care to the injured employee, they also have a financial stake in the process. Any time someone has a financial stake in the process, there is room for fraudulent behavior and health care providers are no different.

Some of the activities that health care providers can take part in may include:

  • Not performing a procedure and still billing for it.

  • Double billing for a procedure to both the workers’ compensation insurer and the employees health insurer.

  • Conducting unnecessary testing to reap financial benefit.

In order for the Connecticut workers’ compensation system to function properly it requires all parties involved to follow the law and conduct their business above board. If any one of the parties involved is conducting fraudulent activity, the whole system suffers.

If you are in need of representation as part of your workers’ compensation claim, our board certified attorneys are standing by to review your case. Contact our office immediately.