Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Infotainment Systems Lead To Greater Distracted Driving Risk

By now either you or someone you know likely has an infotainment system in the car.  These oversized screens promise greater information about your drive and allow passengers to have a more comfortable ride with the ability to access more content as the car is driving.  As with most new things though, these wonderful new tools come with greater risk.

According to a new survey done by AAA Northeast taking your eyes off of the road for just two seconds can result in doubling your risk of getting into a Connecticut auto accident.  While infotainment systems promise less distraction, they often create more distraction with poor usability and functionality.  

The story is even more dramatic for drivers that are 55-75 years old.  Drivers in this demographic take their eyes off the road, on average, 8 seconds longer those drivers who are between the ages of 21-36 years old.  As drivers get older response time lessens and this drastic difference in distraction time could result in severe distracted driving.

Auto manufacturers need to take into account the fact that by the year 2029, 20% of all drivers will be over the age of 65 and poor usability and functionality, if not fixed, will result in greater issues with distracted drivers as the population of those on our roadways continue to age.

Researchers believe that design is the real issue here and not the age of the driver.  The report found that the functionality of six different vehicle’s infotainment systems did more to create distracted driving then it did to help.

If you or a loved one has been in a Connecticut auto accident and you suspect that the driver was distracted, contact our office immediately.  Our experienced attorneys will review your case and help you get the results you deserve.