Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

It’s Time To Address Your Work Related Repetitive Stress Injury

Most everyone has some type of pain or ache, especially as they get older.  These pains can linger for long periods of time and if we don’t address them they can become major issues that cause us to lose time at work and not be able to do the things we love to do outside of the workplace.  

When you go to your workplace every day with an injury that is nagging it can be easy to dismiss it and not address it as a serious Connecticut workers’ compensation injury, but truthfully it may be considered an injury that would result in a claim being filed.  In fact, this is one of the types of injuries that is very common that keeps workers off the job and out of the workplace for many weeks as it heals.  Therefore it is important to address it when it comes up.

People often think of major, catastrophic injuries, like a fall from a high ladder or an accident with a piece of machinery as the only types of injuries that would trigger a workers’ compensation claim, but nothing could be further from the truth.  A repetitive stress injury is absolutely considered a viable injury that would lead to the worker missing time from work and filing a workers’ compensation claim as a result of getting injured.  It is equally important to report this type of injury to your supervisor as it is some of the bigger, more headline grabbing injuries.

There are a variety of types of repetitive stress injuries that can occur in the workplace but one of the most common that is often cited is carpal tunnel syndrome.  This is an injury that occurs to many who sit at a computer all day and are consistently typing.  The injury occurs to the wrist area and can be quite painful over the course of long periods of time.  If this type of injury is not addressed by a medical professional it can become a lifelong battle for a worker who will suffer through this injury with no relief in site.

We often find that people who do not work in manual labor are less likely to file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim, but there is no reason for you to avoid this type of claim.  An injury at work is an injury at work no matter how severe or not it is and if it is affecting your ability to perform the duties of your work you should absolutely take time away from your role and tend to your injury.  When you start to notice this type of injury is bothering you you should follow the same steps of any other injured worker and start by reporting the injury to your supervisor.  

This type of injury may be one where your employer may try to deny your claim and therefore you may need someone to help guide you through the claims process.  Our workers’ compensation board certified attorneys can help.  Contact our office and speak with one of our attorneys who may work with you to protect your long-term interests.