Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Last Minute Holiday Shopping Could Lead To A Greater Risk Of A Connecticut Auto Accident

The last minute rush for holiday shoppers is on and while that might mean crowded streets filled with delivery drivers going door to door with last minute packages, it can also mean overcrowded parking lots at malls and big box stores.  Crowded parking lots with people in a rush can be a recipe for getting into a Connecticut auto accident and causing injury.  

Getting injured is never a good thing, but especially when you’re hoping to be well prepared for the holiday season it can really put a damper on your plans.  The last thing you need is a trip to the mall or going out shopping to turn into an accident and leave you dealing with a new situation that you otherwise were not experiencing before you left for the shopping trip.

What can you do to avoid this type of accident when out shopping for last minute holiday gifts?  If you are headed to a busy parking lot you should follow these simple steps to stay safe.

  1. Slow down.  There are often times during the holiday season where we may be in a rush, but rushing around a busy parking lot is a recipe for disaster.  While there is generally no posted speed limit in a parking lot, you should be traveling at a much slower pace than you would on any side street in your community.  Slow may get you there a few minutes later, but it will get you there safely.

  2. Skip the distractions.  There are too many distractions to count in a busy parking lot.  There are some that are easy to control (like your cellphone or the radio in your car) and then there are others that are not your doing, but need to be ignored.  While driving through a busy parking lot you should always keep your head on the road in front of you and save looking around for when your car has come to a complete stop and you are able to look without putting yourself in any danger.

  3. Watch for pedestrians.  You have to be more alert than ever when you are driving through a busy parking lot.  Pedestrians are often not paying attention and will make sudden movements that could impact your lane for driving.  If you are not paying attention and they are not paying attention it could lead to serious consequences for you and/or the pedestrian who is walking.

Whether you’re racing out for one thing or to do all your shopping in one trip, you still need to be focused and aware of your surroundings.  Speeding through a parking lot and not paying close attention can lead to a Connecticut auto accident at the worst possible time.  Spending time figuring out an injury or an insurance claim is probably the last thing you need before one of the busiest times of the year.

If you do get injured, one of our experienced attorneys would be happy to speak with you about your situation.  Contact our office and speak with someone who can hear the details of your situation and work with you to protect your long-term interests.