Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Less Than 60% Of All Drivers Think Marijuana Increases Your Risk Of An Auto Accident

According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, more than 40% of drivers in the country don’t believe that marijuana can increase their risk of getting into an auto accident.  This is problematic, because the truth bears out that marijuana can have a significant impact on your safety behind the wheel.

There is good news on the impaired driving front and that is that alcohol related auto accidents are seeing a steady decline, but with marijuana now legal in many states, including Connecticut, impaired driving issues are arising from the increased amount of drivers behind the wheel who are under the influence.

To better understand the dangers of getting into a Connecticut auto accident while under the influence of marijuana it is important to know what issues may arise when you are high behind the wheel.  Marijuana can impair your driving in the following ways;

  1. Decrease reaction times

  2. Limit your coordination

  3. Reduce cognition

These three elements that can happen if you are driving high are likely to lead to things like weaving in and out of your lane, not paying attention to speed limits, missing stop signs or stop lights, and many other dangerous behaviors that could lead to an accident due to your impairment.  

At the current time driving while impaired by marijuana is a seemingly small issue that only 4.6% of Americans have admitted to doing, but with more and more states legalizing the drug experts are warning that the problem could continue to grow and more and more traffic accidents may be related to those that are driving high.

If you or a loved one were injured behind the wheel of a vehicle and suspect that the other driver was high you may need an attorney to review your case and work with you to protect your long-term interests.  Contact our office and one of our attorneys will speak with you.