Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

New Connecticut Law Aims To Reduce Connecticut Auto Accident Injuries And Fatalities

In the state of Connecticut it has been law for quite some time now that children under the age of 16 must be wearing a seatbelt when riding in the backseat.  A new law which was signed by Governor Lamont and goes into effect on October 1st, 2021 will expand backseat seat belt requirements to all passengers who are riding in the backseat.  

The law, which aims to reduce injuries and fatalities due to Connecticut auto accidents was passed on a bipartisan basis.  It makes Connecticut the 32nd state to have enacted such a law to govern seat belt wearing in the backseat of a car.

While adults will now be required to wear a seatbelt when traveling in the backseat, law enforcement are not allowed to pull someone over for the sole purpose of enforcing this new law.  If a vehicle is pulled over for another reason and an officer sees an adult in the backseat without a seatbelt on, then the law can be enforced.  

Seatbelt wearing in the United States is at an all-time high.  According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) the seat belt wearing rate in the U.S. is 90.3%.  This is a strong number, but until that number is 100% new laws will continue to be needed to save lives.

The NHTSA also has estimated that wearing seat belts has saved nearly 15,000 lives in the most recent statistics available for 2017.  This is a staggering number and a reason to wear a seat belt whether it is required by law or not.

Connecticut’s new seat belt law comes after a year where fatalities due to Connecticut auto accidents were sky high and spiked significantly.  This new law has the aim to save more lives and keep drivers safe.

Whether you’re wearing a seat belt or not, if you are injured in an accident we may be able to help.  Contact our office so one of our experienced attorneys can review your case and make sure that your long-term interests are protected.