Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

A Not-So Friendly Reminder From South Dakota That Speeding Kills

One of the deadliest things you can do behind the wheel of your car is speed.  Excessive speeding is cited in many Connecticut auto accidents as the reason given for the accident and it’s severity.

A reminder of this is coming today from a very unlikely source, the Attorney General of South Dakota.  Attorney General Ravnsborg was speeding and driving distracted (looking down at something on his phone) when he struck a pedestrian on the side of the road who was hit so squarely that the pedestrian's glasses ended up INSIDE the Attorney General’s car.  

Not only was the Attorney General accused in this case of a hit-and-run incident, he has also been cited SEVEN other times for speeding violations.  

What can we take away from this dubious mess that is happening with the top law enforcement officer in the state of South Dakota?

It is quite obvious that speeding, whether you get caught doing it, get into an accident while doing it, or get away with it, is a terrible decision when you are behind the wheel.  Excessive speeding is the #1 cause of auto accidents and it is something that can very easily be avoided.

If you are behind the wheel, anytime of day, but especially at night, you should follow the posted speed limits and avoid any distractions while you’re driving.  If you do that you will dramatically increase your chances of being safe and keeping others on the road safe as well.  If you don't, your chances of a fatal accident will increase.

While excessive speeding may not be the only factor in a Connecticut auto accident, it will certainly add to the severity of the accident and is far more likely to lead to a fatal crash.  

As you continue to travel down our roads in Connecticut you may find yourself in an accident.  If you get injured you may want to speak with an attorney who can work with you to protect your interests against the insurance companies.  Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will speak with you.