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Older Adults Should Be Reminded Of Safety Measures To Avoid A Connecticut Auto Accident

When we think of road safety and the age group that we often need to remind to stay safe when behind the wheel or as a passenger of a vehicle we often think about teens who are experiencing driving and riding along for the first time and need constant reminders of safety instructions.  It is smart to consistently remind our youngest drivers of the dangers of being in a vehicle, but what about those that are older and have been either driving or riding as a passenger for years, do they need reminders too?

Older drivers, those over 70 years of age are more likely to get into a Connecticut auto accident and that is a fact that is being seen nationally as well according to the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC.)  The CDC reports that in the U.S. there were nearly 200,000 accidents involving drivers of advanced age.  It makes logical sense that these drivers, even though they’ve been driving for quite some time, may need a reminder of safety instructions every once in a while.

The CDC reports that older drivers are more likely to participate in safe driving behaviors, but not all are guaranteed to drive safely and follow all guidance that is aimed at keeping those on our roads safe.  Therefore a reminder from time to time is a good thing to keep older drivers getting into their vehicles and staying safe with all of the benefits of age and wisdom.  Some of the safety steps that seniors behind the wheel need to take are the same as all drivers, but they need to be reminded of them from time to time.  These reminders of safe driving include;

1.) Whether you’re a driver of a vehicle or a passenger you should always wear your seat belt.  The good news about seat belt wearing is that roughly 90% of the population does wear seat belts when in a motor vehicle, but often older drivers are the ones who don’t believe they need the protection.  Older drivers need to be reminded that a car crash does not care how old you are when it happens and they should always wear a seatbelt.

2.) All drivers should consider the conditions they are driving in.  Conditions range from all things like weather conditions, road conditions and the time of day that you are heading out.  Older adults may struggle at night especially and should be aware of the fact that their vision may not be as strong at night.  This can be detrimental to their safety and if they are not careful they may find themselves in a precarious situation.

3.) Another important reminder for drivers of all ages, but especially older drivers is to not drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  For older drivers your tolerance for alcohol or drugs may diminish over time and your blood alcohol level may rise faster, therefore you need to be fully aware of how your body reacts to substances and avoid getting behind the wheel any time you have had a drink or done drugs of any kind.

Reminding older drivers of certain safety measures they should take when getting behind the wheel so they can avoid a Connecticut auto accident is so important.  It can be equally as important to remind older drivers as it is to remind younger drivers.  You will want to approach these reminders with care and compassion so you are not seen as lecturing an older member of your family or friend group, but it is still important to have the conversation. 

If you or a loved one wind up in an accident you may need to speak with an attorney who can review your situation.  Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will speak with you to understand the details of what happened to work on protecting your long-term interests.