Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Pain and Suffering Damages: What Can You Collect For In A Personal Injury Claim?

If you or a loved one has been injured in a manner that requires you to hire a personal injury attorney you will likely be seeking damages. You may be familiar with some of the most common damages you can recover like medical expenses and loss of wages due to being unable to work, but did you know there are other categories of damages you can seek?

In Connecticut, a personal injury claim can go well beyond the typical medical expenses and loss of wages.  Your personal injury should be able to collect for other damages including, but not limited to;

Physical pain: just the fact that you are experiencing physical pain is compensable in the state.

The loss of the ability to enjoy life’s activities: If you are an avid golfer and your back injury leaves you without the ability to golf, you can collect damages for that.  

Mental distress and suffering: a personal injury claim can seek damages if the injury has caused you to suffer mentally as a result of it (for certain professions, under state law).

While there are other categories of compensation that an experienced Connecticut personal injury attorney can recover on your behalf, there are others that may apply to your claim as well.  Seeking the advice and representation of one of our attorneys will help you understand what is compensable in Connecticut and how to make sure you are getting the full benefit that you deserve after being injured.