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Potential Hazards of Winter Weather Driving

It would come as no surprise to the average motorist on Connecticut roadways that the winter months present even more challenging driving conditions.  While winter conditions make driving a riskier proposition knowing what conditions to look out for and what hazards to avoid can potentially help you to avoid a Connecticut auto accident.

Before you even leave your driveway there are hazards lurking.  The ice or snow on your windshield, trunk, or hood, if not removed can cause serious danger while driving.  This ice or snow can pose a potential impairment to your line of sight which can lead to a higher chance of getting into accident.  Also, if not removed, the snow or ice can come flying off of your car onto the road or another passing car and cause issues for drivers around you.  

Not only can leaving snow or ice on your vehicle cause potential accident risks it can also get you into some legal hot water.  In fact, Connecticut State Statute 14-252a clearly indicates that not removing snow or ice from your car and then getting on the roadways to drive could result in a $120 fine.  Clearing your car before you leave your driveway can save you from a potential accident and a potential fine.

Another hazard on the roadways of Connecticut during the winter months is black ice.  This is the most deadly kind of ice on the roadways because it is very difficult to see and identify.  Hitting a patch of black ice can leave you spinning out and going quickly into an accident that could potentially have devastating effects.  

Finally, high snow banks are a risk when driving anywhere, especially around your town or city.  When a large amount of snow falls city officials don’t have anywhere to put the snow so it gets piled up on the side of the roads.  This can make seeing around corners and into intersections a real challenge.  The best way to avoid this issue is to approach corners and intersections that have high snow banks with caution and if you’re not sure if someone is coming, don’t go.

The winter months can be a hectic time on our roadways.  If you or a loved one have been involved in a Connecticut auto accident and feel you need someone to help you navigate the insurance companies, our experienced attorneys can help.