Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Remember These Tips To Keep Safe In The Car This Summer

The summer months are filled with fun and excitement, especially if you have young kids around who are constantly on the move.  It is important to show your kids a good time, but also keep them safe from the dangers of getting into a Connecticut auto accident or other issues that might arise when in the car.  

Whether you’re traveling down the road to a local park or across the country on an epic family road trip there are some things you can do to make sure that your kids are staying safe while riding along.  If you follow these safety tips to keep your kids safe, it will go a long way to a happier road trip for all.

Tip #1: Always have kids sit in the backseat.  As tempting as it may be to invite your child, especially as they get a little bit older, up into the front seat on a long road trip, it is the least safe place for your child to sit in the car.  All the way up through the age of 12 kids should be riding in the backseat.

Tip #2: Keep your child safely buckled in her/his seat.  Whether your child is the age of someone who needs to be in a car seat or not, they still need to be buckled with a seatbelt.  Not only is wearing a seatbelt the law, it is also the safest way for your child to ride in a vehicle.

Tip #3: There is something exhilarating about riding with your windows open and having the wind blow through your hair, but you need to reinforce to your children that having the windows open is nice, but hanging their head, arms, or legs out the window can be dangerous and lead to a serious injury.  If you ride with the windows down, make sure your child has her/his extremities inside the vehicle at all times.

A summer road trip or a quick trip down the street can be an added point of excitement and fun for your child, on top of the enjoyment of your final destination.  However, if you and your child are not following these safety tips it could mean that if you get into a Connecticut auto accident it may be worse than just a fender bender and your child might be seriously injured.  

Wherever you’re going this summer, we hope you have a wonderful time and get there  safely without any incidents, but if you do get into an accident, we’ll be here to help you protect your long-term interests.  Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will spend time with you reviewing your case.