Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

September Is National Drunk Driving Prevention Month - Here’s What To Know

Every month it is important to know the dangers that drunk driving presents and how it can lead to a Connecticut auto accident, but September is a particularly good time to talk about it, because it has been identified as the month that is dedicated to the understanding of the dangers of this type of behavior.  

First it is important to know the facts around drunk driving.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) drunk driving remains a serious problem that leads to many accidents, injuries and deaths throughout the year.  The NHTSA reports the following:

  • Each day an average of 37 drivers in the United States are killed in accidents involving drunk driving.

  • Nearly 14,000 people died in crashes involving drunk driving in 2021, that was a 14% increase over 2020.

  • Nearly 1/3 of all fatal accidents in the United States were the result of a drunk driving accident.

Now that you know the facts, you should also know how to avoid being a number when these statistics are rolled out.  To avoid an auto accident involving drunk driving you should follow these steps to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

  1. Do not drink and drive.  This is the simplest one you can follow very easily.  If you know you’ll be driving you should avoid drinking anything.  Even one alcoholic beverage can put you in a precarious situation. 

  2. Designate a driver.  If you don’t believe you’ll be able to abstain from drinking all together make sure before you head out for the events of the day you identify someone in your group who can abstain from drinking for the day.  

  3. Utilize a rideshare service.  If no one in your group wants to abstain from drinking, you can always plan to go to and from your destination using a rideshare service like Uber so you can be safe and still have a good time.

The only sure way to avoid a Connecticut auto accident and be able to drink at a party or a function is to not get behind the wheel at all.  Taking into account the fact that there are a variety of options that will allow you to stay safe and still have a great time.  

You should also spread the word to your friends and family every month of the year, but September is a great excuse to bring it up as a “fun fact” and get some of those closest to you thinking and talking about how they can stay safe while also having a great time.

If you wind up in an auto accident and get injured you might be in need of representation.  Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will speak with you about your particular situation and work with you on protecting your long-term interests.