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Sharp Difference Between Male and Female Drivers Revealed In New AAA Survey

It’s the age old question, who are better drivers, men or women?  It’s an age old question, because let’s be honest it really can’t be answered.  However, a new AAA survey released recently reports that there are some alarming things that men do behind the wheel that women are less likely to do.

The report does not completely exonerate female drivers from bad behaviors, but it does clearly point out that men are more likely to commit risky behaviors behind the wheel than women are.  Many of these risky behaviors present clear dangers that a Connecticut auto accident could possibly happen.

The survey reported out by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that men were more likely to do the following while behind the wheel then women were;

  • Drive 15 mph over the speed limit (52% of men; 44.6% of women)

  • Tailgating (37.8% of men; 29.3% of women)

  • Honked or gestured at other drivers (35.4% of men; 28% of women)

  • Drive through a red light (32.2% of men; 30% of women)

While there is a noticeable difference between the aggressiveness of male drivers versus that of female drivers, there was also a significant difference between older and younger drivers.  Both male and female younger drivers showed a higher propensity to partake in these riskier behaviors while driving then did their counterparts.  These types of behaviors may lead to a Connecticut auto accident.

If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident, contact one of our experienced and knowledgeable attorneys today to review your case.