Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Some Statistics About Fatigue At The Workplace That Employers Should Know

For those employers that have night shift workers under their purview it can be very important to understand the impact that fatigue plays on a worker’s mental ability to perform the duties of their job at a high level.

In fact, fatigue can play a role in a Connecticut workers’ compensation injury and if ignored could lead to serious injury or death.  Here are some statistics that employers should know about their employees and how fatigue can impact them in the workplace.

  1. 43% of workers report being sleep deprived
  2. 62% of night shift workers have complained about sleep loss
  3. Productivity losses of between $1,200 and $3,100 are a result of fatigued workers
  4. Rotating shifts are often the culprit in fatigue because those employees who are on a rotating schedule cannot reset their body clocks
  5. Safety performance decreases as employees get fatigued

It is this last point that is so critical in the prevention of Connecticut workers’ compensation.  If an employee is tired they are at significant risk of “missing” something when taking safety precautions and therefore they may be putting themselves or others at risk.  

Fatigue is something that affects all workers, especially those that work second or third shift.  It is important that employers are aware of this issue and take necessary precautions to keep their workers on the job without stretching them so thin that fatigue sets in putting lives at risk.

It may be necessary for you to engage a board certified workers’ compensation attorney in the process of filing a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim.  If you find it necessary, contact our office and one of our attorneys will review your case.