Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Startling Auto Accident Statistics Show Dangerous Impact Of Speed

When you get behind the wheel of a car there are so many things that you need to pay attention to in order to avoid a Connecticut auto accident, but the most important thing you need to pay attention to is your speed.  Excessive speed is one of the most common factors in accidents and it is especially dangerous in causing auto accident fatalities.

According to statistics reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) excessive speed kills over 11,000 people each and every year in the United States.  This startling number is even more discouraging when you realize that speeding is easily avoided and not speeding can keep you safe behind the wheel.

There is a reason that states and cities have speed limits that keep you driving at a safe speed in certain areas and on certain roads.  Studies are done to ensure that the safest speed to travel on a specific road is posted and if you follow these speed limits you will be less likely to get into an auto accident.

If you dig deeper into the numbers reported out by the NHTSA you can see that there are certain groups that are more likely to speed and be killed in a speed related accident then others.

  1. In a quarter of all fatal accidents that involved drivers between the ages of 18-44 speed was a direct cause of the accident.

  2. 35% of male drivers, between the ages of 15-20, who were killed in an accident in 2020 were speeding at the time of the crash.  

  3. In fatal crashes in 2020, 32% of male drivers, between the ages of 21-24, were speeding at the time of the crash.

While age and gender do not automatically dictate whether or not you will be involved in a Connecticut auto accident while speeding, there is certainly data that shows that certain groups based on these two characteristics are more likely to be speeding at the time of an accident that causes a fatality.  It is important that all drivers, no matter their age or gender, are warned about the dangers of excessive speeding.

If you have been involved in an accident that resulted in an injury or death you may need to speak with an experienced attorney.  Contact our office and one of our attorneys who have worked on many similar cases can review your situation and work with you to protect your long-term interests.