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Take These Three Steps To Avoid A Connecticut Auto Accident At Night

There are many good reasons to drive at night.  As the summer winds down there will be less and less daylight so getting to your destination may require you to drive at night which can be tricky for some drivers.  However, driving at night does not necessarily have to increase your risk of getting into a Connecticut auto accident.  In fact, taking a few simple steps to help you avoid an accident at night can greatly reduce your risk.  

Before you get behind the wheel at night and follow any of these steps you want to make sure you are able to drive at night without any vision problems.  As you age you should be seeing your eye doctor each year and consulting her/him about whether you should be getting behind the wheel at night.  If there are any red flags you should consider giving up your night license.

If you are cleared to drive at night taking a few of these steps will help keep you and your passengers safe.

  1. Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  One of the most dangerous things you can do is to get behind the wheel after you’ve been drinking or doing drugs.  Not only does doing this present a legal risk to you it also presents a risk of injury or even worse, death.  This should be avoided at all costs.

  2. Driving while drowsy should be avoided as well.  If you are getting behind the wheel and you are having trouble keeping your eyes open you should skip the ride and grab a couch where you are until you’ve had enough shut eye to keep your eyes open while behind the wheel.

  3. When driving at night you should always keep your windshield free of dirt or grime.  This dirt can scatter light and make it incredibly difficult to see.  If your windshield is dirty and it is impeding your ability to drive you should pull over and take care of it before you continue down the road further.

There is nothing wrong with driving at night if you do it safely and take some steps to make sure you are not finding yourself in a Connecticut auto accident.  Spending time behind the wheel when you are not under the influence of any alcohol or drugs and are completely awake and ready to react should be just fine.  However, if any of these impediments are in your way of driving safely you should find a different way to get to your destination.

One of our experienced attorneys has undoubtedly worked on a case that is similar to yours if you’ve been injured in an accident.  Contact our office and one of our attorneys will work with you to protect your long-term interests.