Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Three Common Workplace Injuries That Lead To Workers’ Compensation Claims

When you’re at work you should be aware of some common injuries that can occur which may result in you filing a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim. These injuries can range in severity, but they are all common and can leave you out of work or worse yet unable to ever perform your same job again.

Common workplace injuries include:

  • Slips: Whether you work in a warehouse or a retail establishment or even at a desk, slipping on a floor can occur anywhere. Injuries from slips can cause lasting damage and affect your ability to do your job.

  • Falls: This is a common injury in jobs where you are required to climb ladders or use heavy machinery, but they are not limited to those professions. A fall can occur at any job at any time so it is important to understand the risks you face of losing time at work if you do get injured.

  • Cuts/Lacerations: If you’re working at a restaurant as a line cook or around saws all day you may be prone to this type of injury, but again, cuts and lacerations can occur at any job site. Be aware of your surroundings and if you do get injured document your injury immediately.

While more common in some workplaces then others, slips, falls, and cuts can cause a lasting impact on your health and well-being wherever you work. It is important that you take a workplace injury seriously and document it as soon as it happens.


When you file your Connecticut workers’ compensation claim it will be important to have a board certified attorney on your side to make sure your interests are being taken into account. Contact our office if you’ve been injured on the job and we will review your case.