Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Three Important Things You Should Know About Connecticut Workers’ Compensation

The laws surrounding workplace injuries are different in every state, but there are some similarities to be considered if you are injured at work.  If you are filing a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim you will need to understand a few simple things in order to get your claim filed.  While understanding these things will not guarantee that your filed claim will be approved, they will put you in the best position possible to get the compensation you are owed for your injury.

When you’re working for a company and you experience a workplace injury, having a firm grasp of your rights and responsibilities as it relates to your situation will help you get on the path to recovery and compensation faster than if you have to learn it on the fly when your injury occurs.  

It may also be helpful, if you are in a situation where you’ve been injured at work, to employ the services of a board certified workers’ compensation attorney who can help you better understand the requirements of filing your claim and help you walk through the process.

When you get injured at work the first and most important thing you should do is to document your injury.  Documenting your injury can include talking to your co-workers who may have seen the incident that led to your injury, taking photos of the area around where your injury occurred (if you are physically able to do this) and to take mental notes of the scenario as it unfolded.  It can be stressful when you are injured so you may not be able to accomplish a lot of documentation which is ok because it is not required under the law, but documenting the situation may help you in the long run.

The next thing you will want to do is to report your injury directly to your supervisor in a timely manner.  The longer you wait to report your injury the more likely it is that your claim will be denied because not reporting the injury when it happens may raise suspicions of your employer and give them a reason to point to to deny your claim that you are filing.  Reporting directly to your supervisor will require that the process of filing your claim begins and you will be able to start the process of getting healthier and compensated for your injury more quickly.

Another important thing to know when thinking about whether or not to file a workers’ compensation claim is that it is illegal for your employer to retaliate against you for filing a claim.  In other words, if you report an injury your employer may not eliminate your job or give your job to someone else while you are getting better.  The law requires that your job or an equivalent job based on your physical abilities be made available to you when you are ready to return to the workforce.

The laws surrounding Connecticut workers’ compensation claims can be confusing at times so it is important that you understand them and are prepared in the event that you experience a workplace injury.  While it is our sincerest hope that you never have to use this knowledge, it is important information for you to have at your disposal.