Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Top Reasons A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim May Be Denied

If you believe that an injury you sustained at work should be eligible for a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim you should file the report of your injury as soon as possible with your supervisor.  Reporting your injury as soon as possible is one of the best ways you can make sure that the claim gets approved and you will get the compensation you should for your injury.  Immediate reporting of your injury to your supervisor will ensure that you have the best possible chance of having a smooth approval of your claim.  If you let any time pass between your injury and when you can safely report your injury it may raise questions as to the validity of your claim.

With that being said, a delay in reporting your injury is not the only reason that your claim may be denied.  There are a variety of reasons why your claim may get denied and many of them can be avoided or fought with the proper representation from someone who has experience in making sure those that are injured at work are compensated fairly and appropriately.

Take for instance some of the following reasons why a claim may be denied and how you can avoid the denial of your claim if you run into this particular situation.

  1. If you miss a filing deadline this gives the insurance company a reason to deny your claim.  While it may not seem like the most egregious thing you can do, it does give the insurance company a chance to deny your claim because you technically did not follow the proper protocol in filing.  The best way to avoid missing out on your compensation claim due to this “technicality” is to make sure you vigorously read all the documentation that you are provided and make sure you make special note of all deadlines.   In other words, dot your Is and cross your Ts.

  2. It is deemed that your injury did not actually occur at work.  If there are no witnesses to your injury or your employer believes that the injury was a pre-existing condition you may be denied benefits.  The best thing you can do to make sure these issues aren’t a reason for your claim to be denied is to make sure you report your injury as soon as you can after it happens.  As time passes it is easier for the insurance company to raise suspicions about your injury and where/when it happened.  This can lead to your claim being denied.

  3. There is a possibility that your claim will be denied if your injury is deemed to be the result of goofing around or intentional pranks while at work.  These injuries are often not covered and will be denied as potential claims.  The best thing you can do to make sure this type of claim does not get denied is to follow all safety protocols while at work.  Even if boredom sneaks in you should resist the temptation to goof around and risk an injury.

This is not an exhaustive list of reasons your Connecticut workers’ compensation claim may get denied, but these are some of the more common reasons.  Getting your claim denied, especially when you are being forthright and honest about your circumstances can be devastating, especially if you can no longer work due to the injury that you are claiming.  It is for that reason that it is important that you make sure you know your rights and understand the process of filing a claim so you leave very little room for your employer or their insurance company to deny you your claim.

If you do not have a clear understanding of the rules and restrictions surrounding your claim, you may wish to utilize the services of a board certified workers’ compensation attorney.  Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will review your case and work with you to protect your long-term interests.