Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

UConn Student Killed When Crossing At A Crosswalk

The state of Connecticut has seen a very large uptick in the number of pedestrian accidents that have occurred over the last few years.  One of the more recent accidents demonstrated the dangers of being a pedestrian all too well when a UConn grad student was killed while crossing at a crosswalk.  

Accidents like this have been happening throughout the state and that is why new laws have been put in place to try to reduce the number of pedestrians who are killed when out on Connecticut’s roads.  Putting new laws in place will certainly help with the issues, but they will likely not entirely eliminate the problem all together.  To do that you must be vigilant as a pedestrian in taking certain safety steps to avoid being caught in a Connecticut auto accident.  

Some of these safety measures you can take to make sure that you are traveling throughout your community safely include;

  1. Always use the sidewalk.  If there is a sidewalk you should always use it and if there isn’t, it may be in your best interest to find an alternate route, especially if you’ll be walking on a busy street.

  2. Cross where there are lights or signage.  While this doesn’t always mean you will be 100% safe (take the case of this UConn student who was crossing at a crosswalk) but it is a better step to take than crossing where there is no signage at all.

  3. Do not walk at dusk or after dark.  The majority of accidents that involve pedestrians happen during this period of time.  It can be incredibly difficult for drivers to see you if you are walking and it is getting dark or has already gotten dark.

  4. If you must walk at night, only cross at well-lit intersections.

  5. Wear reflective clothing.  Whether you’re walking at night or during the day you will want to be seen as clearly as you possibly can be.  Wearing reflective clothing will help drivers see you more clearly no matter the time of day.

It is true that you can do everything right and follow all of the safety rules and you can still find yourself in a Connecticut auto accident.  That being said, you should still take these precautions and make sure you follow all of the expected safety precautions so you have the best chance of staying safe while you’re out walking.

If you do find yourself in a situation where you have been injured, you may need some assistance from an experienced attorney.  Contact our office and one of our attorneys will work with you to review your case and protect your long-term interests.