Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Using Alcohol And Cannabis Simultaneously Can Be More Dangerous For Drivers

There is really only one acceptable way to get behind the wheel and operate a vehicle and that is to be stone cold sober.  Being under the influence of alcohol or cannabis is more likely to lead to a Connecticut auto accident; this is quite common knowledge.  A new study, though, has looked at the dangers that are presented when cannabis and alcohol are consumed at the same time and then drivers get behind the wheel.

The study, conducted by the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health found that 40% of people who were found to have used cannabis or consumed alcohol in the last year, also drove while under the influence of the substances.  This is a staggering and extremely dangerous number that should be concerning to all of us.

This data is concerning for a variety of reasons, but for our purposes it is most concerning because earlier research on the subject has found that those that drive while under the influence of both of these substances are far more likely to experience a fatality when driving then those who are driving under the influence of just one of these substances.

It is important to pause and again remember that driving under the influence of any substance that slows your response times and affects your cognitive brain function, as these two substances do, can put you and your passengers in an unsafe situation and could lead to either injury or death.

The study that looked at alcohol and cannabis use combined, found a number of disturbing details from the nearly 35,000 people that it surveyed.

  • 42% of those who were surveyed and reported the use of cannabis and alcohol in the past year also reported a past-year DUI as well.

  • Users of both cannabis and alcohol resulted in 2.88 times higher likelihood of simultaneous use. 

  • When users of cannabis and alcohol reported simultaneous use, it was 3.51 times more likely that the users were found to be driving under the influence.

The study also found a link between the daily use of cannabis and alcohol and a higher likelihood that these users would be involved in a DUI.  As you might imagine experts are concerned that this type of behavior represents a serious public health issue.

Drivers who are under the influence of any substance are far more likely to get into a Connecticut auto accident and get injured.  That is why we are always encouraging anyone who is participating in alcohol or drug use to not get behind the wheel of a vehicle and instead designate a driver or rely on a ride share service to get you to and from your destination.  

Driving under the influence can lead to an injury, and if you find yourself in this situation you may wish to speak with an attorney who has handled situations like this before.  Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will speak with you about your particular situation and work with you to protect your long-term interests.