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Wet Sidewalks Can Cause Connecticut Slip And Fall Accidents In The Spring

There is a lot of talk in the winter about icy sidewalks and roads and how they can be dangerous and cause a Connecticut slip and fall accident, but this danger really doesn’t go away in the springtime.  Just because warmer weather has changed ice over to rain doesn’t mean there are no more safety concerns for injuries.

Rain can be a culprit in slip and fall accidents just as snow, sleet and ice can in the winter months.  As the winter turns to spring it is important to continue to be vigilant about your safety when it comes to wet and slippery surfaces.  When you are out and about here are some surfaces that you might want to be on the lookout for to avoid any serious injuries.

  1. The surface of the floors at a big box store or grocery store.  Usually these floors are already slippery, but add in water to the mix and they get even more dangerous.  Especially in stores where there is high foot traffic, the floors can get slippery and cause serious injury.

  2. Sidewalk ramps.  These surfaces often have a paint on them that can get slippery when wet.  The paint is intended to bring attention to the ramp so anyone who needs to use it can find it quickly and easily, but if you are simply walking up to the ramp it can easily cause an injury when the paint is wet.

  3. Entrance Ways.  When there is a corridor for you to walk into a building through, these floor surfaces are often not exposed to anything that will help them dry out and therefore they can become very slippery and cause injury.  When it is raining out you will want to be very careful as you are passing through doors and corridors that are not often attended to by store workers.  

No matter what or where the surface is in the springtime, surfaces can get wet and then become slippery.  If they do, it can lead to a Connecticut slip and fall injury.  While many of these types of injuries can often be mild in nature, there are times where a slip can lead to serious injuries like sprained ligaments, turned ankles, and even worse, broken bones.  Any injury should be taken seriously and you should see a medical professional about it as soon as you are able.

Once you have had a medical professional look at an injury that you have sustained you may need to speak with an attorney who can review the details of your case and work with you to protect your long-term interests.  Our attorneys have dealt with many different scenarios and can help you with the necessary tools to have your case heard.