Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

What are the benefits of PPD?

A Connecticut workers’ compensation claim can result in a number of different outcomes for the person who was injured on the job.  One of those outcomes is being awarded a Permanent Partial Disability benefit (PPD.)

PPD is awarded when a medical professional who is evaluating you determines that the Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) has been reached.  Once that threshold has been met, the medical provider will assess the injury and determine a percentage disability rating.  This disability rating will be based on what body part was injured.  Also taken into consideration is the compensation that the injured worker was receiving at the time of the injury.

A designation of PPD marks the end of the workers’ compensation benefits and is given to the injured worker for a specific number of weeks.  While it marks the end of the workers’ compensation benefits, payment of these benefits does not indicate that the claimant’s case is closed.

If you have been injured on the job and you need assistance in filing a workers’ compensation claim, our board certified attorneys can review your case.