Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

What Does the Law Consider a Hit & Run?

Colloquially, a “hit and run” accident is one which a driver gets into an accident and leaves the scene of the crash without exchanging information with others as required by law. You may also hear this called leaving the scene of the accident, but under Connecticut General Statutes 14-224, it’s called “Evading Responsibility”—and it’s a serious crime. This means that people who leave the scene of an accident are subject to significant criminal penalties, including substantial fines and jail time.


Victims Need to Consider Their Rights


If a driver has hit you and sped off, it may feel good to know that the police are “on it” and the driver may be brought to justice. It’s essential, however, to realize that someone is going to have to pay for your accident-related losses. In the best-case scenario, the driver who left the scene is found, and his or her insurance provides you with a settlement check. If the police do not find the driver, you may need to make a claim on your own car insurance. In either case, it’s critical to have an attorney represent you to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.


You Need the Representation of an Experienced Lawyer, No Matter Whose Insurance Company You Are Dealing With


Insurance companies are for-profit companies and want to pay out as little as possible. This fact is true whether you are dealing with your insurance company or someone else’s. They can be particularly challenging to deal with when you are dealing with a hit and run accident. Under Connecticut law, you are required to have uninsured motorist (UM) coverage, which is supposed to cover you in the event that a driver hits you and leaves the scene of an accident. Your UM should cover your property damage and medical expenses up to your policy limits, but insurers often do everything they can to avoid paying. For this reason, you should retain an attorney to represent as soon as possible.


What to Do After a Hit and Run Accident?


If a driver hits your car and drives off, the first thing you should do is make sure that you and your passengers are okay. Next, pull off to the side of the road and call the police. If anyone stopped to make sure you were okay, ask for contact information so you can contact him or her later, if necessary. Take pictures of the damage to your vehicle. When the police arrive, tell them exactly what happened, and be as detailed as possible. Look to see if any business or homes in the area have surveillance cameras outside that may have captured the other vehicle’s license plate or the event itself. In addition, you should seek medical attention, even if you do not feel much pain or suspect that you are seriously injured. Finally, you should contact your insurance company and an experienced attorney to represent you in your claim.


If a Driver Has Hit You and Left the Scene, Contact a Connecticut Personal Injury Attorney as Soon as You Can


A hit and run accident can be a terrifying and confusing experience. Fortunately, you do not have to pick up the pieces alone. The lawyers at Leighton, Katz & Drapeau are committed to helping accident victims recover compensation and work hard to secure the largest possible settlement or award in each case we handle. To schedule a free case evaluation with one of our attorneys, call our office today at (860) 875-7000 or contact us online.