Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

What Is An Ice Missile And How To Avoid One

While driving along Wolcott Rd. a 62-year old man’s car was  struck by what police are calling an “ice missile” which shattered his car window and resulted in severe lacerations on his face.  The driver was lucky that he was able to safely pull over to the side of the road and call for help, but it could’ve been a lot worse.  While the State Police who responded to the incident remind us that traveling with snow or ice on the roof of your car or truck is a moving violation, the driver of the truck drove off, not knowing that they were at fault.

With snow and ice debris all around right now it can be an incredibly dangerous time to be on the road and try to avoid a Connecticut auto accident.  However, there are some things you can do to avoid this type of debris flying off at you and causing a serious accident or injury.

Here are some things you can do when on the road to help you arrive at your destination safely.

  1. Avoid tailgating any vehicle to prevent a hard stop.

  2. Do not follow a truck or car that you can clearly see has not cleared the roof of snow or ice.

  3. Stay away from following large trucks who’s roofs you cannot see.

  4. Keep your car clear of all debris and keep your windshield clear so you can see clearly along your route.

The winter months can be a particularly difficult time to avoid a Connecticut auto accident.  However, making sure you are alert and aware of your surroundings can help you make sure you are driving safely.

If you or a loved one were injured in a car accident and you need an experienced attorney to review your case, contact our office immediately and we will do just that.