Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

What You Can Expect If You Injure Your Neck At Work

A neck injury that occurs at the workplace could be considered a Connecticut workers’ compensation injury.  Assuming the injury happened at work and is not a repetitive injury from some activity outside of your employment, you will want to report it as a workplace injury.

If you are injured in the neck region we wanted to provide you with some information you might want to know when you report your injury and work through the claims process.

The most common neck injuries include the following;

  • Cervical dislocation

  • Pinched nerve

  • Whiplash

  • Herniated Disk

  • Broken Neck

If you experience any one of these common injuries (or another injury that is not mentioned above) while on the job, you will want to take the first and most important step, report your injury to a supervisor.  Your supervisor will get the paperwork going for your injury and the process of filing a claim will have begun.

There is a possibility that your claim will get denied by your employer and if that is the case you may need to consult a board-certified attorney to work on your claim for you to insure that your injury is covered and you are compensated for it.

Along the way of your journey to filing and ultimately receiving compensation for your claim, you should document all days you are off from work due to your injury and provide this documentation to your attorney to present on your behalf.

If you are filing a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim, you may need to be represented by an attorney.  Contact our office immediately and one of our attorneys will speak with you about protecting your long-term interests.