Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

When An Equipment Malfunction Causes A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim

When a recent incident involving a worker who was trimming trees led to him falling and being trapped in a “boom” truck it was important to underscore the dangers that these workers face on a regular basis.  Those who trim trees for a living traverse some of the tallest structures anywhere in our society to make needed changes to the landscape.  It is a harrowing job and one that comes with significant risks.

Normally when discussing how to prevent a Connecticut workers’ compensation injury it can be as simple as following safety procedures and taking your personal safety into your own hands, but what happens when equipment failure is the cause of the injury?  

While it is not known if the “boom” truck in this particular incident failed, it is clear that the equipment that was designed to allow this tree worker to perform his job more easily and, presumably, more safely did neither of those things.  It is important to take a few steps as the worker when something like this happens so you can protect yourself from it happening again.  

  1. Be thorough and diligent, regularly.  When you are performing required safety checks on equipment make sure you are doing so on a regular basis.  In fact, each time you are putting your safety at risk you should be doing a safety check on the equipment you are using.  If you are not an expert on the machinery being used, you should find someone who is so they can do a spot check to make sure the equipment is in proper working order.

  2. If an incident occurs and someone on your job site is injured you will want to do a post-incident inspection of the equipment to see what went wrong.  While this should be done by your employer, you may also want to gather your co-workers to understand what went wrong and how it can be avoided in the future.  If it was an equipment malfunction you will want to report it to your supervisor immediately so your company can address the issue and either repair or replace the equipment so it does not become an issue at future job sites.

  3. In the event that an incident was caused by a combination of equipment malfunction and operator error it may be important to follow-up on this incident by requesting additional training from your employer.  If you or your co-workers or both are not 100% confident in how to use the equipment properly and safely it is in your best interest to request that your employer provide training, even if they had already provided it before, you may need a refresher on safety with the equipment.  

Equipment malfunction on a job site can not be completely prevented.  Accidents happen and even when everything is done properly a piece of equipment might malfunction unexpectedly which could lead to a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim.  That said, if you follow all of the required steps to keep yourself and your co-workers safe you will likely be able to stave off any unnecessary accidents or injuries that occur as the result of unsafe working conditions.

If you do wind up injured at work, you may need to speak with a board certified workers’ compensation attorney.  Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will work with you to review your situation and protect your long-term interests.