Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Who Is The Claimant In My Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Case

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to file a workers’ compensation claim you will hear the term “claimant” very often throughout the process. The “claimant” is the person who is filing the claim, in all likelihood it is you.

While in a case when you’ve been hurt on the job and suffered either a work-related injury or an occupational disease, you would be the claimant. In another circumstance the claimant would be the person who is filing on your behalf if you have passed away due to your work-related injury or occupational disease.

Your injury or illness may cause you to file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim and if that time comes you will be referred to as the claimant moving forward.

If you are an employee who is making a compensable claim of a work-related injury or occupational disease or you are the dependant of someone who has passed away due to a work-related injury or occupational disease you will be considered the claimant.  

If your workers’ compensation claim is being contested, as the claimant you have a right to be represented by counsel. Our board certified Connecticut workers’ compensation attorneys are experienced and knowledgeable in all things Connecticut workers’ compensation and will review your claim and help guide you through the process ensuring that your interests are being protected.