Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

You Should Never “Leave It To The Insurance Company,” Here’s Why

When you’ve been injured whether it was at a store and you slipped and fell or you were driving and got into a Connecticut auto accident you may find yourself interfacing with the insurance company of the person who was at fault for your injury.  This can be an intimidating process and it can be tempting to just leave your claim up to them, but this is a bad idea.

It is the job of the insurance company to pay the least amount in damages as they possibly can while also settling the case.  Insurance companies get paid through premiums and when less money gets paid out to settle cases the premiums add up and so do the profits for the company.

When you attempt to speak with the insurance company to settle a claim yourself, you are operating in good faith, the problem is, the insurance company may not be.  The people who negotiate the terms of your settlement at the insurance company are well-versed in Connecticut law and will only pay out what is legally required of them.  If you are representing yourself, they will use their knowledge to their advantage and try to get away with paying you the bare minimum.

Representation by an attorney, even in a case that seems pretty straight forward, puts you on a level playing field with the insurance companies and doesn’t allow them to use their knowledge of Connecticut law against you.  Our experienced personal injury attorneys can work directly with the insurance companies to represent your best interests and get you what you are owed.

If you’ve been injured in an accident, don’t just “leave it up to the insurance company” to tell you what is fair, take action and contact our office.  We will review your case and keep your best interests at the forefront.