Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Your Guide To Avoiding A Connecticut Motorcycle Accident This Summer

There are nearly 100,000 registered motorcycles in the state of Connecticut.  That is a lot of two wheel vehicles on the road that will likely be out this summer as the summer is a great time to ride.  To this end, it is important that all riders have an understanding about how to stay safe and avoid a Connecticut motorcycle accident regardless of what season we are in.  

While riding a motorcycle during the summer can be exhilarating and one of the best ways to rid yourself of the winter blues, it can also present challenges that may lead to dangerous outcomes.  Being on your bike and racing through the streets can be dangerous so it is important to keep in mind the steps you can take to keep yourself safe and those around you out of harms way as well.

We’ve put together a brief guide to how to ride safely during the summer and all other seasons as well.

One of the most important things you can do as a motorcyclist is to wear the proper equipment to make sure if you do end up in an accident the seriousness of it is mitigated by the equipment you are wearing.  A helmet is an absolute must in keeping yourself free of any serious injury .  While a helmet is not required by law it is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself.  Other equipment that you will want to wear are tight fitting, long-sleeves and pants.  The impact of a motorcycle accident can lead to you being tossed from your bike and skidding across the hard pavement of the road.  If this were to happen you would want to have your skin as protected as possible from injury.

Your next step in keeping yourself safe when riding a motorcycle happens before you even get on the bike.  You will want to perform a safety check on your bike to ensure that all of the equipment is working as expected.  As you would if you were driving a car you will want to check that the turn signals are working, the brake lights are functioning properly and that your tires are properly inflated.  These three items among other safety checks are important to making sure your bike is safe before you even get on to it to start your ride.

When you’re riding there are a number of things you can do to keep yourself free from an accident.  You will want to make sure you are following all posted speed limits as excessive speed is often one of the many factors in an accident.  Also, you will want to make sure when you are changing lanes you are properly signaling.  One thing of note here is that when you're riding you should not weave in and out of traffic as this is an extremely dangerous move and can lead to a very serious injury.

If you follow this guide it is not a guarantee that you will avoid a Connecticut motorcycle accident, but these are certainly steps you can take to keep yourself and any passenger on your bike safe this summer.  It is a glorious time of the year to be out and riding your bike with the sun beating down and the stunning Connecticut scenes blooming all around you, so don’t let your lack of preparation and safe driving bring that to a crashing end.  

Injuries do happen and if you are involved in an accident you may need to speak with an attorney.  Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will work with you on understanding the specifics of your situation and how your long-term interests can be protected.