Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

CT Injury Lawyer: Avoiding Drowsy Driving

Driving drunk is something we all know is incredibly dangerous for ourselves and others who share the road. Programs like ridesharing and designated driving have been set up to curb drunk driving, but not as many for when people are tired. Drowsy driving causes delayed reaction times in a tired brain just as alcohol and intoxication do. Simply put, driving drowsy is just as dangerous as driving drunk. 


Don’t drive alone. 

Unless you are alone, make sure you split the driving with other well-rested drivers in the car. Driving takes a lot of concentration and everyone gets tired after a few hours behind the wheel. Sometimes stopping a rest area for a short nap can give you the rest needed to regroup.


Get rest before your trips.

Whether you are staying up late packing, or working late before your trip, sticking to your sleep schedule can be challenging. If you are on vacation and driving back, make sure you aren’t so tired you can’t drive back safely. 


Don’t panic.

If you get into an accident, the most important thing is not to panic. Move your car to a safe place if you can, and call the police and paramedics immediately. Injuries and pain may not always be present immediately so it’s important to get evaluated by medical professionals. 


Drowsy driving is not a joke and can cause serious injuries. If you or your loved one was injured in a CT auto accident, contact our firm immediately.