Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

How Can I Prove My Back Injury Was Work Related?

A very common type of workplace injury for those in physical labor jobs is a back injury.  A strained back can have long-lasting implications for a worker and may even leave her/him off the job for months if not years.  That is why if you experience a back injury it is so critical that you report it to your supervisor and begin the Connecticut workers’ compensation claims process.

What can be challenging with a back injury is proving that the injury occured at work.  Often back injuries can compound over time, so you may experience some tightness in your back playing with your kids on the weekends and then really strain it while at work the next week.  Is this considered a work-related injury or something that started when you were at home?  The short answer is if you were able to go back to work with a minor injury that occurred at home and then the injury became worse due to your work, it may be considered a work-related injury.

Then the question becomes how you prove to your supervisor that your injury did in fact happen while you were on the job.  While this is not an exhaustive list of the things you could use as evidence, this will get you started down the path to sharing with your employer the details of your injury.

  1. Speak with any co-workers who were around at the time of the injury.  Having witnesses who saw you get injured is a good way to confirm to your employer that you were in fact injured on the job.

  2. Ask your employer to see any security footage of your job site to see if security cameras may have captured the moment when your injury occurred.  If the cameras show indisputable proof you may have a claim.  

  3. After you are seen by a medical professional you can have that doctor write a note stating that the injury exists and it did in fact happen as a result of your job and it is considered a work-related injury.

  4. You may also want to show your employer any prescriptions from your medical provider that are specific to the injury so they can confirm that you are being treated medically for the injury.

One of the most difficult work-related injuries to prove is a back injury.  The most important thing you can do is report the injury immediately to your supervisor and gather any evidence that the injury happened while on the job.  If you do that, you will be well positioned to prove that your injury was work-related and that you are entitled to file a claim.

If you are filing a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim you may need an experienced attorney to help you navigate the case.  Our board-certified attorneys have seen this type of injury before and can help you make your case to receive the compensation that you are entitled to from your employer.  Contact our office immediately and one of our attorneys will be in touch.