Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Neck Injury and Back Injury FAQ

In the event of an accident, one of the most common areas of injury is the back and the neck. These injuries can also be the most difficult to live with. People who experience back and neck pain are oftentimes unable to perform the simplest of tasks. This can limit a person who was once physically active, socially engaged, and professionally driven to spending time in a resting position without the ability to live the life they had previously enjoyed.

Common Causes of Neck Injuries and Back Injuries

Although an injury can happen in a wide range of ways, some causes are more common than others. The leading causes of neck and back injuries in the workplace include:

  • A slip and fall - this is one of the most common workplace injuries and can happen to anyone at any time. 
  • Twisting, turning or bending – especially if you are doing so while holding or picking up an item.
  • Falling from a tall height - if you are working on a ladder or a building and fall, there is a high risk of a neck or back injury.
  • Carrying heavy boxes or items that weigh a lot - it’s easy to underestimate the effect of carrying objects that are heavy, and this is a very common source of neck and back pain.
  • Repetitive movements that cause minor strain to the neck and back - even if you only feel a little bit of pain at first, repeating a painful movement can cause a back or neck injury.
  • Lifting a heavy object - if you attempt to pick up an object that is too heavy, it is easy to strain your neck and back. 

Treatments for a Neck Injury and Back Injury

If you believe that you have experienced a back or neck injury, the first steps are to notify your employer and seek medical attention. A medical professional will evaluate your symptoms and if needed, take x-rays or other diagnostic studies, such as an MRI, to delve into the issue. Once both the cause and the treatment have been established, and you understand the steps needed to take in order to recover, reach out to an attorney to help establish your case. Even if you think the injury is minor, symptoms can show up days, weeks, or even months later. Going through the initial steps to document your injury is important and can protect you in the event that you experience more severe pain later on.

Contact a Connecticut Neck Injury and Back Injury Lawyer Today 

If you or someone you know has been in an accident that resulted in a back or neck injury, working with an experienced attorney can help. The law firm of Leighton, Katz & Drapeau provides service to those in Connecticut who are dealing with the aftermath of this type of injury. We will work with you to collect just compensation for your injuries. When you are suffering from the pain of a neck or back injury, the last thing you want to deal with is the process of fighting with the insurance company. Let us take care of these details so that you can focus on recovering.  or call us today at 860-875-7000 to set up an initial consultation to review your case.