Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Top 5 Industries Where Workplace Deaths Occur

If you polled one hundred people and asked them where they thought the most injuries at work happened you would likely get a myriad of answers.  The good news is that there are statistics that are kept on these types of things and so we can go straight to the numbers.

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics the top 5 industries with the most work related deaths include:

  1. Construction

  2. Transportation and Warehousing

  3. Professional and business services

  4. Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting

  5. Government

The reasons statistics are so important in a situation like this is that they give a true sense of where dangers lie for workplace fatalities.  Many may guess that there is a high rate of fatality in the manufacturing sector, but that didn’t make the top 5 list.

It is important to understand where these injuries and fatalities are most common so that government agencies and industry executives can put safety protocols in place to prevent these types of accidents from happening.

If your loved one was fatally injured at the workplace, you may be entitled to survivor benefits.  A board certified Connecticut workers’ compensation attorney can review your case and guide you through the claim process.