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Why A Long Cold Winter May Be Conducive To Connecticut Dog Bite Injuries

As the winter months drag on you may notice that the humans around you are irritable and antsy to get out of the house and into some warmer weather.  The dogs in your life will be no different and this could mean a higher risk of getting a Connecticut dog bite injury.

If your dog has been inside for a long period of time, especially due to the colder winter months she may be anxious to get outside and get some energy out.  Just like humans, dogs can get irritable when they are cooped up inside for long periods of time and can become aggressive when presented with strangers or even people that they know well.

How can you as their owner help avoid this type of behavior and keep your dog from biting someone, even if it is uncharacteristic for your pet?  

  1. Play with your dog.  While she may not be able to get out and run her energy off outside, showing her love and attention inside will give her the chance to get some of that energy off.

  2. Get outside when you can.  Even if the temperatures are a little bit cold, take your dog out when you can so she doesn’t feel so bottled up inside and unable to stretch her legs.

  3. Keep her away from strange people.  Dogs are more likely to bite someone that they don’t know and who they perceive as a threat.  Even if your dog is normally friendly, during the winter months they might get frisky and a little aggressive.  It’s best to avoid contact with unfamiliar people all together.

  4. Keep your dog warm.  Just like humans, when a dog gets uncomfortable for any reason she will become irritable and be more agitated then normal.  If she is outside and cold, she may become more likely to growl or be aggressive towards you or other humans.

There is nothing you can do about the weather, but there are some things you can do to make sure that your dog is being set up for the best chance of having a good winter.  As the cold weather stretches out, it is more important than ever to get your pooch out, even just for a little while, to make sure she doesn’t hold on to that energy and have it lash out at the worst possible time.

If you or a loved one experienced a Connecticut dog bite injury contact our office and one of our experienced and knowledgeable attorneys will review your case.