Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Work Zone Camera Pilot Program May Be Preventing Connecticut Auto Accidents

Over the past few months the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) has undertaken a pilot program where cameras are being employed in work zones to keep workers safe and prevent Connecticut auto accidents from those who are on the road driving at high speeds through these treacherous sections of road.  These cameras are being placed on SUVs that are parked in work site and are keeping an “eye” on those cars and trucks that are passing through the work zones.

The program began in April of this year so after just a few months the CTDOT is reporting that they are having some positive impacts on keeping workers and drivers alike safe in work zones where dangerous behaviors of drivers can impact the health and safety of many around them.  The camera program which is currently on work sites in East Hartford, Norwalk, East Lyme and Middletown has reportedly caught 9,000 people traveling at 15 miles per hour or faster over the posted speed limit in these work zones.  The drivers were warned via mail and only one vehicle has been cited for a second violation out of the 9,000 who received warnings.  These numbers are promising and lead the CTDOT to consider other work zones for camera placements.

When you’re traveling through a work zone you will want to make sure you follow some basic safety protocols so you can avoid getting cited, but most importantly so you can avoid injuring anyone or becoming injured yourself.  Some of the safety measures you can take are quite easy and effective to prevent accidents in these dangerous spots along the road.

  1. Follow all posted signage.  Work zones are generally full of signage to provide you as much direction as possible on how to navigate them.  In most cases, signage begins miles away from the actual construction so you have plenty of time to make a plan of how you are going to merge into a smaller roadway while remaining safe.

  2. Do not WAIT to merge.  Not only will taking your time to merge right up until a section of road goes down to a single lane make traffic situations a lot worse, but it will also put you in a position where you are not able to get over safely and may have to even come to a complete stop before you get into the right lane you will need to be in to safely navigate the work zone.

  3. Follow all posted speed limit signs and never travel over the speed limit that is posted for the work zone.  It is even more important when you are in a work zone to follow the speed limit that is posted for that work zone so you do not put yourself or others at jeopardy.  When you are traveling at excessive speed, not in a work zone, it can be particularly dangerous, but when you are in a work zone it can be deadly.

Work zones will continue to be quite active over the next few months and then in the spring they will be back to being everywhere.  It is important to know how to approach a work zone so you can do so safely and without being in danger of causing a Connecticut auto accident.  If you follow all posted signs and the directions of police officers on the scene of a work zone you will put yourself in a much stronger position to be safe and avoid any injuries.

Whether you’re in a work zone or just driving down a regular road you may find yourself injured if you get in an accident.  Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will review your situation and work with you to protect your long-term interests.