Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claims May Cover These Items Resulting From A Repetitive Strain Injury

Repetitive strain injuries may be considered Connecticut workers’ compensation injuries and may be covered by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance, but what exactly would be covered if you were found to have injured yourself while at work?

In most cases the following items would be covered by your claim:
Visits to your doctor to diagnose your injury
Physical therapy appointments
Stabilizing equipment, for example a wrist brace
Steroid injections
In rare cases, surgery may even be required

Just as a traumatic and sudden injury would be covered, so too should this type of injury which is caused by repetition of a particular activity at your workplace.  You should not incur any medical expenses associated with this type of injury.
As with other injuries you may miss time on the job and this too would be covered if it was deemed medically necessary to refrain from work.  While circumstances surrounding a repetitive strain injury would certainly be different then those surrounding a sudden and obvious injury like a broken bone, the general tenets of filing a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim remain the same.
Repetitive strain injuries are often denied by employers and so it is very important to know your rights and have the help of someone who has experience with this type of injury.  It may seem like it would be an easy injury to dismiss, but any injury sustained while at work is one that should be addressed and it should not affect your ability to provide for your family.
If you were injured on the job and believe it was a result of a repetitive strain, contact our office immediately and one of our board certified attorneys will review your case.


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