When you think of a work-related injury, you may think of broken bones, burns, or other traumatic injuries that may occur in an accident. However, many industries can put workers at risk of other, long-term and even permanent injuries due to the nature of the job. One such condition that can be devastating for victims is significant hearing loss.
Many hearing loss victims require expensive medical equipment including hearing aids1 and microphones in order to help correct hearing levels, if they are correctable at all. Hearing loss is often permanent and can cause many challenges and inconveniences for victims.
Many different jobs can lead to hearing loss over time, including the following:
Construction and carpentry
Entertainment and music
Airport personnel
Shooting range staff
Nightclub bouncers and bartenders
All of the above can expose you to repeated loud noises, and your hearing can deteriorate over time. Other jobs can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss because of a single blast or explosion. No matter what caused your hearing loss, if it was work-related, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits under Connecticut law.2
If you have work-related hearing loss, you should file a claim for benefits according to the procedures set out by Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Commission. Our experienced attorneys can help you through this process to limit the complications you may face. Proving the level of hearing loss you suffered and proving that the hearing loss resulted from work can be challenging. If your claim is denied, we can help you appeal the denial so that you receive proper compensation.
Discuss Your Condition with a Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
If you work in or around Hartford, CT and you have suffered hearing loss or any other type of work-related injury or illness, you should not delay in contacting the experienced workers’ compensation attorneys at Leighton, Katz & Drapeau. Our workers’ compensation attorneys represent the rights of injured workers and will help you obtain the benefits you deserve. Please call us today at 860-875-7000 for a free consultation.