Connecticut Auto Accidents Are WAY Up In The last Two Years

When traffic came to a halt in 2020 after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many believed that it would lead to a lower rate of Connecticut auto accidents, but actually the opposite has really happened.  In fact, while there was less traffic on the roads in 2020 and 2021, the number of fatalities from auto accidents is actually surging.
Researchers have been working to figure out what is happening because this increase in fatalities does not match up with the decrease in traffic.  Many believed that with the reduction of traffic due to pandemic lockdowns and work from home orders that traffic deaths would decline at the same rate as the amount of traffic, but that is not what has happened.
So…what has happened?
While researchers are still looking at the data and working through why the number of fatalities has increased, the working theory is that these deaths are increasing because the level of reckless driving that is being found on Connecticut’s roads is astronomically high compared to pre-pandemic driving.  Reckless behaviors behind the wheel have always been known to show a higher than normal fatality level and during the pandemic this has not changed.
People who are on the road whether they are commuting or heading to a friend’s house or any other reason they may have to be out driving are doing so in a much more reckless fashion than before.  An initial look at the data indicates that people are driving much faster than they were before the pandemic began and more people are driving while under the influence of alcohol and drugs than ever before.
It can be challenging for researchers to understand these trends because when an accident ends in a fatality, determining the cause of the accident is a very difficult thing to accomplish.  With more time and distance between the actual incidents and the resulting data, researchers expect to be able to truly pinpoint why this increase in Connecticut auto accidents has actually happened and why these accidents are more frequently leading to the death of someone involved.
The best way to avoid getting into a car accident is to drive the speed limit and never get behind the wheel if you’ve been drinking or doing drugs.  If you do find yourself injured from an accident you may want to speak with an attorney.  Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will work with you to review the details of your case and work to protect your long-term interests.


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