It likely won’t surprise anyone that one of the biggest ways you can get distracted while driving is by using your cell phone. Did you know that the most distracting thing you can do on your cellphone is to be texting while driving. This behavior presents an enormous risk for getting into a Connecticut auto accident.
It is so important to know just how big of a risk this and the National Safety Council has released some statistics that will shock you.
1.6 million auto accidents are caused each year by cell phone use
Nearly 400,000 people involved in an accident were texting while driving
25% of car accidents in the United States are caused by texting while driving
You are more likely to get into an accident while texting and driving then if you were driving under the influence of alcohol. In fact, you are SIX times more likely.
You will take your eyes off the road for 400 times longer if you are texting while driving
There is no question that distracted driving of any kind is a serious risk and puts you, as the driver, your passengers, and everyone else on the road at risk, but it is quite clear that one of the worst things you can do while driving is use your cell phone to text. If you absolutely must answer a text message, pull over to the side of the road and do it. Your odds of getting into a Connecticut auto accident will fall off dramatically if you text safely pulled off on to the side of the road.
If you’ve been injured and need an attorney to review your case, our team of experienced attorneys can help protect your long-term interests.