Workers’ Comp

Wrongful Death

Connecticut Wrongful Death Lawyers

Connecticut Workers’ Compensation – Death Claim Attorneys

Nothing can replace the loss of a loved one. Life will never be the same. When a member of your family is killed in an accident, choosing the right wrongful death attorney is vital. Our attorneys help Connecticut families and survivors file their claim, find justice, and hold negligent parties accountable for the consequences of their actions.

Fighting for Survivors Under Connecticut Law

In Connecticut, a wrongful death claim can be filed against a person or company whose negligent, reckless, or intentional behavior may have caused the death of another. Because the injured person is no longer available to bring the claim, another party must step in to bring the case to court on behalf of the deceased person’s survivors and estate.

With the help of our Connecticut wrongful death attorneys, you can bring that case on behalf of a loved one.

Contact one of our offices today to schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney.

Compassionate Wrongful Death Representation

At CT Injury Lawyers, our workers’ compensation attorneys had once represented insurance companies. We know how the system works and how to fight for your rights. Our attorneys have decades of experience and will use it to get the compensation you deserve.

For more than 30 years, our attorneys have provided compassionate representation to families who have lost loved ones through accidents or the negligence of others. Over a hundred attorneys have referred clients to us for representation in wrongful death and all other types of injury claims.

Our law firm is selective about the cases we take on, which allows our attorneys to provide thorough, caring representation to families affected by a work-related fatality. We have experience with complex cases, such as wrongful deaths caused by:

  • On-the-job accidents
  • Slip-and-fall accidents or falls from heights
  • Injuries from defective tools or industrial or construction equipment
  • Occupational illnesses, including work-related heart attacks and strokes

Protecting Families Affected by Work-Related Wrongful Death

Our attorneys work meticulously to develop cases that take all the facts into account. We know what to look for and how to prove the work environment or job duties caused the death. Our attorneys work hard to prosecute the surviving spouse’s rights to receive lifetime payments.

Survivors may be eligible to receive death benefits for:

  • Medical, hospital, and nursing expenses related to the deceased loved one’s final illness or injury
  • Funeral and burial expenses up to $12,000, and
  • Weekly survivor’s benefits
  • Lump sum settlement

Contact Our Law Firm When Experience Counts

Remember that Connecticut law has statutes of limitation on all workers’ compensation claims, including death claims. Talk to an experienced workers’ compensation attorney today.

If you need help with medical experts, especially when a death was work-related but occurred outside the workplace, we can help. Contact us for more information about your potential survivor’s claim. The initial consultation is always free.

Please feel free to contact our offices at our Vernon, CT office by calling (860) 875-7000, our Enfield, CT office at (860) 749-4000, or our Middletown, CT office at (860) 347-6500.